

在以下情况下,学生可能有资格获得居民资格 由学校提供的学生身份  犹他州法典第53B-8-102条等., 校董会政策R512和R513. If you feel that you qualify for resident student 状态 while at 雪的大学 under one of these circumstances, complete and sign the appropriate residency application and provide it before the third week of the semester 与 evidence outlined below 在这种情况下.  



To be eligible to be considered for Utah 住院医生实习期, applicants who came to Utah for 就读高等教育机构的目的必须符合以下几点:

  1. Reside in Utah for twelve continuous months, starting July 1, 2007, or anytime thereafter*
  2. 不能根据非居民的人的纳税申报表申报为受抚养人 犹他州
  3. 采取步骤,确立成为犹他州居民的意图(见 客观证据)
  4. 提交一个 申请居留 与 客观证据 在本学期第三周结束前

* Please note, you cannot be absent from the state for more than 29 total days during 12个月期间(不一定是连续29天). 参见框架v. 居留权上诉委员会. 犹他州立大学的., 675 P.2d 1157 犹他州(1983); 校董会政策和程序R512. To prove this, you must provide bank statements for those twelve continuous months. 


If you married a Utah resident and have become a Utah resident yourself, provide the 后: 

  1. 在纳税申报表上没有被申报为受抚养人的证据 非犹他州居民; 
  2. 本学期开学前的结婚证;
  3. 您打算成为犹他州居民的客观证据(见下文); 
  4. 客观证据 of your spouse's and residency; and 
  5. An 申请居留 在本学期第三周结束前

注:上述第3项在此情况下没有时间要求. 也就是说, 您不需要提供 客观证据 日期至少在学期前90天. 你只需要提供部分证据 被列为客观证据. 


A student who has come to Utah for full-time permanent employment, or who is an immediate family member of an individual who has come to Utah for full-time permanent employment, may rebut the presumption of a nonresident classification by providing substantial evidence that the reason for the move to Utah was, in good faith, based on an employer-requested transfer to Utah, recruitment by a Utah employer, or a comparable work-related move 在犹他州找全职工作.

除了…之外 客观证据,则会考虑有关搬迁动机的所有相关证据; 包括但不限于以下因素:

  1. 雇员的就业和教育经历;
  2. 犹他州就业的第一次考虑,提供和接受的日期;
  3. 当这个人搬到犹他州;
  4. 的 dates when the person applied for admission, was admitted, was enrolled as 专上学生;
  5. Whether the person applied for admission to a USHE institution sooner than four months 从搬到犹他州之日起;
  6. Evidence that the person is an independent person (至少24岁, or not listed as a dependent on someone else's tax forms); and
  7. (五)与退居、设立有关的其他因素 在犹他州的新住所,目的不是为了上高等学府 教育.


A dependent student who has at least one parent who has been continuously domiciled in Utah for the 12 months prior to the first day of class of the semester for which 寻求居民身份的学生有资格获得居民学生身份. 的 学生有责任提交依赖证明和 客观证据 证明父母已经在犹他州建立了住所 申请居留.

Divorce, death of spouse, or long-term health-care responsibilities for a family member

A student who resides in Utah for reasons related to divorce, the death of a spouse, or long-term health care responsibilities for the student’s spouse, parent, sibling, 或子女,可以反驳非居民身份的推定,提供实质性的 有证据表明,该学生搬到犹他州的原因是出于善意,基于 关于长期医疗保健责任.

除了…之外 客观证据 (as defined above), all relevant evidence concerning 这一举动的动机将被考虑,包括:

  1. 学生的就业和教育经历;
  2. the dates when the long-term health care or child care responsibilities in Utah were 先考虑,先提议,先接受的;
  3. 当学生搬到犹他州时;
  4. the dates when the student applied for admission, was admitted, was enrolled as 专上学生;
  5. whether the student applied for admission to a USHE institution sooner than four (4) 从搬到犹他州之日起的几个月;
  6. 证明学生是一个独立的人的证据.e. 至少24岁 or not claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax returns); and
  7. (五)与退居、设立有关的其他因素 在犹他州的新住所,目的不是为了参加USHE机构.



Any American Indian who is enrolled on the tribal rolls of a tribe whose reservation or trust lands lie partly or wholly within Utah or whose border is at any point contiguous 有资格获得非居民豁免身份. 资格, 学生必须提供符合上述条件的部落成员证明 标准.


联邦政府承认的或已知的犹他部落的印第安人 and has graduated from a Utah high school is entitled to be granted nonresident exempt 状态. 被承认的部落名单由专员办公室保存 并分发给所有校园住校官.



Students who are aliens and who are present in the United States on visitor, student, or other visas which authorize only temporary presence in this country, do not have the capacity to intend to reside in Utah for an indefinite period and therefore will 归类为非居民.


已获得移民或永久居民身份的外国人学生 在美国的地位.S. 居民身份的分类根据 同样的标准也适用于公民.


根据美国法律获得庇护或难民身份的国际学生.S. 移民 law 居民身份的分类根据 the same 标准 适用于公民. 要符合本规则规定的非居民豁免身份, 申请人必须提供以下资料:

  1. A copy their INS I-94, which should include the following stamp or something similar “根据移民法第207条,作为难民被无限期接纳 期间”;
  2. Written confirmation from an organization responsible for placement of refugees (e.g. Catholic 社区 Services 犹他州) that the refugee has been assigned to be resettled in Utah; and
  3. 犹他州住所的证明文件,可包括但不限于两份 犹他州住所标志(定义见 户口政策).

Refugees placed in another state subsequently moved to Utah voluntarily, must provide:

  • A copy their INS I-94, which should include the following stamp or something similar “根据移民法第207条,作为难民被无限期接纳 期间”;
  • 证明难民意图的犹他州住所(如上定义)的标志 to establish domicile in Utah; and
  • 要么
    • evidence that the refugee has maintained continuous Utah residency for one year, if the move was to attend a college or university in Utah; or
    • evidence that the motivation for the move to Utah was not to attend college or university.


If allowed by federal law, a student, other than a nonimmigrant student within the meaning of paragraph (15) of subsection (a) of Section 1101 of Title 8 of the United State Code (see section on international students in 这一政策), shall be exempt 从支付总学费的非居民部分,如果学生:

  1. 在本州上过三年或三年以上的高中;
  2. graduated from a high school in this state or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in this state; and
  3. 在高等教育机构注册为入学学生,但不早于此 比2002-03学年的秋天还要多.

除了…之外 these requirements, the student must file an affidavit with 雪的大学 stating that the student has filed an application to legalize his or her 移民 身份,或将提交申请,只要他或她有资格这样做.



  1. is admitted as a full-time, part-time, or summer school student in a program of study leading to a degree or certificate; and
  2. 提交学生是当前就业团学生的证明.

终止学生就业团的注册/参与后,学生 应遵守适用于其他人员的相同居住标准 这一政策. 在就业团注册期间居住在犹他州的时间将被扣除 将此政策中规定的时间计入居民身份.


A student who is residing in Utah to participate in a United States Olympic athlete training program, at a facility in Utah, approved by the governing body for the athlete's 奥林匹克运动,应立即有资格获得非居民豁免地位. 学生 shall certify his or her participation in the Olympic training program through a supporting 美国奥委会的资格证明信.

在学员终止参加该等培训项目后 student shall be subject to the same residency standards applicable 致他人 根据这项政策. 奥运会运动员训练期间在犹他州居住的时间 犹他州的项目计入住院政策中规定的时间.


A person who has been determined by a Utah governmental social or rehabilitation services 为获得州资助就读USHE,必须是犹他州居民 机构立即有资格申请非居民豁免身份. 国家 助学金必须至少覆盖住校学生的全部学费. 合同终止后 of such government agency support, the person is governed by the standards applicable 致他人. 在此期间居住在犹他州的时间 政府援助应计入本政策所要求的适用时间 建立常住学生身份.